About the event:
Come along to the Little Gems Craft Club and enjoy getting creative in a relaxed, friendly environment.
Everyone is welcome whether you are a skilled crafter or you’re looking for a new way to de-stress and unwind.
Craft along with like-minded people. Share hints and tips and brainstorm new ideas.
Bring your own project to work on or complete the project of the month.
When and where: : 10.30am to 1pm on the fourth Wednesday (and, from September, the fourth Sunday) in the month at The Little Gems Creative Centre, Bakers Hall, Mount Bures, CO8 5DJ. It’s easy to access from Suffolk and Essex and just a 20-minute drive from both Sudbury and Colchester. .
How much does it cost?
The Craft Club costs £15 per person per session. You can purchase the project of the month on the day at an additional cost.
What's included
The Craft Club, which runs from 10.30am to 12.30pm
Refreshments throughout the session - we suggest you bring a packed lunch
A member of the Little Gems team will be on hand to lead you through the project of the month if you choose to take part in this element.
Free parking